This is a personal letter to Mr. Bin Laden,

Sir I would like to thank you for taking the time out to send a few of your willing workers of hate and deception to this country to attempt to destroy us.

In the process of trying to terrorize us to death, the hand of God stepped in and still got glory within your evil and deceptive plan to put fear in the hearts and minds of the American people.

1. Thank you for showing and allowing our President and past Presidents to Worship and pray together in the same Sanctuary.

2. Thank you for having Congress bow at the Feet of Jesus and ask for forgiveness and ask for the Lord's strength in leading the nation's people.

3. Thank you for allowing Prayer in the schools once more and having our children across the nation be able to ask God for strength and protection throughout their school day. 

4. Thank you for letting employers give workers time to pray and worship our Savior during their work hour.

5. Thank you for showing us that it is the hand of God that allows us to be here day in and day out, we are not just here on our own.

6. Thank you for leading more people back to church in one day to get things right with God than all the witnessing of all the Christians in this country could do in one year.

7. Thank you for waking us up and letting us know that people still care in this country and that we are bigger than the problems in this country.

8. Thank you for reminding us that racial, religious, and cultural hatred is useless and nothing good comes from harboring it.

9. Thank you for letting us again understand why on our money it says in God we trust, we sing God bless America and what true patriotism is.

10. Most of all Mr. Bin Laden now that the Lord is on our side, Thank you for letting him take his rightful place on the battlefield, so you will know that he will have the victory His word says...If two or three gather in my name it is done. So in all, we thank you very much for strengthening our faith in God and our love for our fellow American no matter what color, race, creed or religion.

A Proud American Citizen ...
and a Soldier in the Army of the Lord...

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